Archive | December, 2009

Leap Year: trying so hard to make me not want to see it

30 Dec

I’m assuming most of you have seen the trailer for Leap Year by now, or at least the tv spots, but here it is anyway:

What kind of person grabs a man’s sandwich out of his hands and throws it out of a moving vehicle? That sandwich probably cost at least $5, and now it’s on the ground because he said something slightly rude? If I were giving some chick a ride across country somewhere and she threw my sandwich out the window, I would throw her out. Just sayin’.

I think my favorite part was when she tripped and fell down the hill which was basically a slip n’ slide and she rolled down so far that the scene had to cut like three times before she landed in the mud. Falling down sucks double time in Ireland I guess.

And I’m super over the whole “American girl who is obsessed with her Blackberry and then causes an entire Irish town to blackout because she has to plug in her HUGE adapter” story line. It’s like hello–SEEN IT A THOUSAND TIMES BEFORE. Or maybe I’m confusing that with the whole “falling in love with a hot stranger and then finding out that your boyfriend is actually a jerk so it’s okay to leave him for the new guy” story line…nope definitely not.

And I can’t believe they have to pretend to be married and sleep in the same bed and stuff! A boy and a girl sleeping in the same bed?! THAT IS NUTZ!!!  And of course there’s that one guy who is like “make out with your wife in front of me please NOW” and then they have no choice but to do it because what other choice is there? Trick question! There is no other choice!!!  Will that kiss somehow cause them to unwittingly fall in love with each other? I seriously doubt it, but maybe!!!!!!!!!!!

Also this:

Whoever wrote this must have gone to the same poster writing school as this guy. I saw this poster for the first time in the theatre and I was actually embarassed by it because I had basically just said I wanted to see it. This poster made me look like an ass.

And as an added bonus the wonderful people who wrote Leap Year are responsible for such masterpeices as Made of Honor and Surviving Christmas, starring everybody’s favorite actor Ben Affleck.  

Well, I’m going to see it anyway because MATTHEW GOODE.

"Was there ever any question about it?"

Up in the Air: the most depressing airplane ride

28 Dec

I was a bit disappointed by this movie. There was less humor than I was expecting and a lot more life is one long sad airplane ride of melancholy. The acting was good so far as that goes, but then again Zach Galifianakis and Danny McBride were both in this and were decidedly less funny than they could have been but whatever.  

People keep saying this movie is going to win Oscars or something (I don’t know what people I’m referring to, but I’m sure they exist) but I think those people just haven’t seen The Hurt Locker yet.

My Favorite TV shows of 2009!

18 Dec

1. Dexter

You may be fooled by my blog title and banner into thinking that Lost is my favorite show, but this season of Dexter was absolutely incredible and I have lots of love for it. Every episode ends on a yessssssssIlovethisshow moment and I have to say this season was one of the best. John Lithgow was the bees knees, and I’m still a little dumbstruck by the last moments of the season finale; I have no idea where next season is headed, but the writers are so damn good I know it surprise me. Michael C. Hall for a Golden Globe!

2. Lost

What can I say other than this show has been great (season 2 aside) all along and I cannot wait to see how they tie everything up! Season 5 was especially great because of Jeremy Davies.

3. Glee

Easily my favorite new show of the year. So funny, so touching, so lively. I love all the characters (minus Terry), especially Jane Lynch’s hilariously mean cheerleading coach, Sue Slyvester, and Chris Colfer’s diva extrodinaire, Kurt Hummel.

4. Being Human

A vampire, a werewolf and ghost are all roommates in a London flat… sounds like a terrible joke, huh? Well actually it makes a jolly good show that has a great mix of seriousness and humo[u]r.

5. Flight of the Conchords

Obvs, this show is hilarious. I will be sad to see no more, but at least they’re going out on a high note. RIP third best folk rock band from New Zealand living in New York!

6. Mad Men

Sometimes this show frusterates me to no end (Don may be a man whore, but I don’t need to be introduced to every woman he duets with!) and refuses to satisfy my burning need to know things (where is Peggy’s baby for chrissakes?!) and then there’s Betty (UGHUGHUGH), but I still love it. Especially Joan! You’re the best, girl! And I think the set up for next season promises to be a lot more fun, full of power plays and Pete’s whiny face and most importantly, JOAN!

new year, new diary entries

16 Dec

Merry early Christmas everybody! I have a clip for the next Vampire Diaries episode and after you watch it I bet you’ll barely be able to wait until January 21, when it airs. THE NEW YEAR CAN’T COME SOON ENOUGH!

 Looks like Elena discovered Bump-its and Forever 21.

My Favorites of 2009 (music and movies)

15 Dec

2009 is over! Goodbye 2009, you were pretty good! You were filled with great music and movies, and since giving my opinion is basically my favorite, I thought I’d share my favorite films and music of the year. Yay!







Note: this is a very odd list for me (not one, but TWO sci-fi films?!), because generally my favorite movies of the year either made me cry, or are considered ‘dark’. Now, two of those fit the bill (Bright Star, The Hurt Locker) but the others are considered ‘popcorn’ movies, which I tend not to waste my time on. However 2009 seems to be the year of the smart ‘popcorn’ movie (I’ll just pretend Transformers 2 never happened. In fact, everyone should). Hopefully that is a continuing trend into 2010! 


 1. Veckatimest, Grizzly Bear

Favorite tracks: Two Weeks, While You Wait For the Others

 2. Primary Colours, The Horrors

Favorite tracks: Sea Within a Sea, Who Can Say

 3. Merriweather Post Pavilion, Animal Collective

Favorite tracks: Bluish, My Girls

 4. Noble Beast, Andrew Bird

Favorite tracks: Oh No, Anonanimal

 5. Dark Was the Night, Various Artists

Favorite tracks: Blood, Pt. 2 by Buck 65, Mimizan by Beirut

Love Letter #4: Joan Holloway

15 Dec

Dear Joan Holloway,

You are the best part of AMC’s Mad Men (aside from Don Draper’s suits). You are smart, sassy, funny and feminine–the kind of woman we need to see more of in entertainment (and Mad Men for that matter). 


You add a much needed liveliness to a sometimes (a lot of times) depressing show and your red hair and fashion sense is amazing.

Season three was kind of suckage only because you were off doing your own thing with your husband, who is terrible. Why did you marry someone so terrible?! I don’t understand this, but I am confident you will kick his sorry ass to the curb next season, or at the very least hit him in the head with another vase.

Do it again! Please?

Love, Freckles

Hollywood, you are officially the worst

13 Dec

What the hell is wrong with America? Do we have to remake every decent piece of entertainment that comes out of other countries to make it more ‘accessable’ (stupid) for American viewers? Let the Right One In, Lost in Austen, Being Human and now this:

Has become this:

“This is one sad family.” What? Did whoever write that go to school and major in writing obvious taglines that I think are supposed to be sarcastic but are just stupid? If so, they nailed it.

Not to mention the trailer looks like they used the same exact script except they took out the believablity and replaced it with heinous overacting, which I think can be inferred just by comparing the posters. “Okay Luke Wilson, look skeptical. No, more skeptical, like really REALLY skeptical. And girl standing in the middle, look like you’ve just seen something shocking, but also look sexy. As a matter of fact, look more sexy than shocked. And guy standing next to girl in middle who isn’t Tracy Morgan, make the dumbest face possible. Perfect.”

America, please stop it.

A Serious Man: You can't be serious!

13 Dec

My friend who saw this with me described it as “one of those movies where nothing really happens but it’s interesting anyway” and I would say that is pretty accurate. It’s just the story of a sad, sad man who bad, bad things happen to and then it ends.

It ends CRAZY.


It was a good, semi-funny but also sad Coen Bros. movie. I’d recommend it just so you can kind of sit there, stunned, for about a minute after the credits start rolling.

the turning point

11 Dec

Its been awhile, so here’s a brief recap of what’s happened thus far: Stefan has decided to leave Spookyville and Elena behind; Douchecaster is a vampire now; hothothot vampire Alaric Saltzman has rolled into town and is putting the moves on Mini and Cool Aunt; Damon has his panties in a twist because his plan to release Katherine from her buried-beneath-a-church grave was foiled by Bonnie/Emily, who he then bit in the neck; Mini McQueen has become a total nerd.

And now, moving on to bigger and brighter things, no doubt! Newest episode IGNITE!

The scene opens on Elena’s house. There is a ring at the door, and Cool Aunt opens it to reveal…Douchecaster!

He is like “hey, I’m basically a huge asshole, want to invite me in (because I am a vampire now and I want to eat your blood)” and FOR ONCE Cool Aunt is like “um, no?” and Douchecaster is like “but I thought you were easy” so Aunt shuts the door in his face. YAY one self esteem point for Cool Aunt! Finally!!! Besides, she doens’t need Douchecaster anymore, now that she has a way hothothot guy


yes, you, to invite himself into her house now. 

Feeling all rejected and extra hungry, Douchecaster eats a passing jogger. Sweaty!

The next morning, Mini finally decides to go through his parent’s old stuff that everybody wants so bad, and he finds a diary that his great-grandfather probably wrote that says things like “I’m afraid of the nighttime because that is when bad things come out.” It also has a bunch of drawings in it:

So Mini’s great-grandfather is either afraid of vampires or monkey cats that wear bowlers. Also, this song is playing in the background:

Because there’s nothing better than listening to a semi-uplifiting piano ballad about hope for the future when you’re reading your great-grandfather’s diary about how terrified he is of mythical creatures? Whatever. Mini is so inspired by monkey cats in bowlers that he starts drawing “again”, because apparently he used to draw a lot and it is a big deal?

Meanwhile, over at the vampire chic mansion, Stefan quizzes Damon about where he’s going to live when they both leave Spookyville, and then the Sheriff lady shows up to tell Damon about a jogger who was killed the night before. Then she asks him to help her kill the vampire that did it because she thinks he is really good at killing vampires because of the time he killed Stefan’s only vampire friend and because she can’t kill one by herself. 

At school, Elena is like “so how are you dealing with the whole vampire thing” to Bonnie, who was just attacked by one like the night before, and Bonnie is like “it sucks” because she is a teen and everything in life sucks! School sucks! Rules suck! Parents suck! But mostly getting bitten by a rabid vampire sucks! And then Bonnie asks Elena if Stefan changed his mind and is going to stay in Spookyville. Elena says no and Bonnie is like, “well, its for the best because what kind of a future would you two have anyway, because he is a vampire and you are a human and there is no way for you two to work out unless you become a vampire WINK WINK.”

And this showed up a lot for FORESHADOWING:

And then Elena walks outside and guess who’s waiting for her?


No,  Elena totally wishes! It was just Stefan. He came to tell her about the new vampire in town that she needs to look out for. Meanwhile, Damon uses Caroline one last time to use the pocketwatch that tracks vampires or something from a few episodes ago? Remember that? Well, anyway, I guess Damon can’t use it himself because he “messes up the signal” or something. But good thinking that Damon asked Caroline to wait outside of the exact warehouse Douchecaster was hiding in! Inconvience! So Damon sends Caroline off again and he goes inside the warehouse to destroy Douchecaster, but then Douchecaster shoots him! A lot! And he is like “don’t bother getting up, I have a lot of these wooden bullets!” So Damon just sits there and listens as Douchecaster demands to know who turned him and buried him behind a used car dealership (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA).

"I think someone is playing with metaphors that are too complex for me."

He also rambles on about not know how to be a vampire, AND THEN HE SAYS THIS: “It’s not like the welcome wagon was waiting with a bundt cake and a handbook!” Well, maybe not the (vampire) welcome wagon, but Caroline has the bundt covered!

And then he just goes on and on about he much he loves killing everybody and all the while Damon is pulling wooden bullets out of his body and pretending to listen.

"Has anyone ever told you you're a really good listener?"

And then he points to his pile of bodies.

Sheriff lady (and Caroline’s mom) meets with some dude (who turns out to be the mayor) at the high school career fair to discuss the vampire situation. Sheriff lady says her “highly reliable dupties” are all on the job and then she and her Kate Gosselin wig start protecting the town by checking out the booth on massage thearapy.

Over by another booth, Mini sees Tyler the Douche looking at some art so he tells him he’s too dumb for art or something, and then Tyler walks away. ZING! But then Mini sees a drawing of Evil Ozymandis that was done by Tyler, and he feels kind of bad. I feel a bromance brewing! Staying up late, drinking hot cocoa, reminiscing about the girl they both used to screw and drawing cheap rip offs of superheroes!

Back at the warehouse, Douchecaster is basically holding Damon hostage? Whatever Damon, I thought you were better than that. And Douchecaster is like “why am I so overly emotional?” and I’m like “please just die aleady” and then Douchecaster is like “how come I really want to be with my ex, like bite her and be with her and stuff” and Damon tells him that he is probably in love with her because now that he is a vampire he will feel everything a little bit harder. What? That is the dumbest. It is almost as dumb as sparkling in the sun. “Vampires feel emotions so much better than humans, and yet they kill the people they love to survive.” You crazy show!

Then Douchecaster shoots Damon a few more times and then goes to the high school to stalk Cool Aunt, but he runs into Stefan who realizes he’s a vampire.  Douchecaster demands to know how he and Damon are “daywalkers” and Stefan is like “you wanna know?” and Douche nods his head and Stefan is like “you wanna know? well–you can’t! and don’t threaten me bitch (minus the bitch part)!” and then he walks away all dramatic like and I think I may judged him a bit harshly before because that was well played sir!

Then guess what, Mini does try to start something with Tyler Douche, but it ends in a punching fight rather than sketching together by candlelight, so the Mayor (who is also Tyler’s dad) takes them outside ‘to work it out’, and Alaric is like “what?” so he follows them and sees that Tyler’s dad is a real asshole and he’s trying to get them to fight each other in front of him but Alaric stops it because he is a shining example of kindness and purity and also hotness.

And he also tells the Mayor that he looks like “a full grown alpha-male douchebag” and if it’s even possible I love him even more.

Caroline decides to go home early because she had a fight with her mom (again) and Logan offers her a ride because he wants to eat her to get back at the Sheriff lady for letting him get turned into a vampire. And of course, she accepts.

"I am the absolute worst judge of character."

While Caroline reaches for the seatbelt, Douchecaster sort of pushes her head into the window and her forehead smudges blood on it and she passes out. Then Douche calls Sheriff on his Bluetooth and tries to threaten her but Damon and Stefan catch up to him and Damon shoots him with wooden bullets and Stefan takes Caroline home while Damon gets all gangsta on Douche’s ass with a tire iron like a real vampire (eat it Edward!!!).

Damon wants to know who turned Douche but he won’t tell so Damon is about to kill him when he admits that he does actually know and also other people want to get into the tomb where Katherine is buried and that they know “other ways” that don’t involve the necklace that exploded in the previous episode. So Damon lets him go so they can meet later because the Sheriff lady is about to pull up.

Back at the school Mini and Tyler Douche have a heart to heart about how much they think Tyler’s dad is a real asshole and it turns out now they have two things in common. Except Tyler gets very angry and punches Mini and Mini is like “what is your problem man?” and Tyler is like “I don’t know, I just don’t know” and then there is this shot:

And I hope to dear God this isn’t foreshadowing. “My problem is…I’m a werewolf!”

I will be pissed.

Douchecaster goes back to his warehouse to look at his pile of bodies I think when Alaric shows up and is like “leave Cool Aunt alone, I have dibbs on her closet (that’s not a euphemism—he literally has dibbs on her closet)” but Douchecaster thinks he has the upper hand because he is a vampire and he is about to kill him when BAM Alaric stakes the shit out of him first.

Then Stefan and Elena cry over their futures of being a vampire and being a not vampire and then Elena is like “I love you! and we’re going to make this work!”

And Stefan just closes his eyes like “goddammit, not again” and they start making out. Elena loves him so much she doesn’t even care about his freaky eyes when he gets turned on!

"I love you. I will pretend you don't scare the shit out of me right now so we can duet."

Then this happens:

And I’m pretty sure Meleisa Betts is an pseudonym for Elena Gilbert.

After the sexual relations Elena is basically in heaven; even candles smell so much better because Stefan is good in bed.

But that doesn’t last long because Stefan left out his photo of Katherine and Elena sees that it looks exactly like her and instead of asking him what in the fresh hell it is (like perhaps, “How did you get a photo of me in period costume?!) she just storms out and hits a mystery vampire with her car and flips over. Then the vampire stalks toward her and she screams loudly.

I guess being good in bed can’t remdeem you from having a long lost vampire love that looks exactly like your new girlfriend, Stefan!


The next episode is on January 21, 2010 and this is the synopsis according to imdb:

In the aftermath of the horrific car accident, Elena is attacked by the individual she hit and the following evening, wakes up by the side of the road… transformed into a vampire. As Elena emotionally and physically struggles to come to terms with her new existence, and a possible real future with Stefan, he sets out to find who turned Elena. Meanwhile, Damon learns about a spell that could free Katheryn from her tomb with the help of a newly arrived witch. Upon resurrection, Damon and his old love go on a rampage through Mistic Falls killing dozens of people, while the townspeople mistakenly think that Elena is responsible for the carnage.

That is perhaps the most spoilery synopsis I have ever read. I’m surprised it also didn’t say: “On the next full moon Tyler the Douche lost his temper so bad he morphed into a werewolf.”

Tune in?

The most sad news…goodbye Bret and Jermaine!

11 Dec


Today was going to be such a good day (I was sure of it!) and then I found out Flight of the Conchords will not be returning for a third season, which makes me very  😥

From Flight of the Conchord’s website:

Bret, Jemaine and James (co-creator/director) said “we’ve noticed the less we say about the future of the show, the more people want to talk about it, so in an effort to reverse this trend we are today announcing that we won’t be returning for a 3rd season. We’re very proud of the two seasons we made and we like the way the show ended. We’d like to thank everyone who helped make the show and also everyone who watched it. While the characters Bret and Jemaine will no longer be around, the real Bret and Jemaine will continue to exist.

This show made me laugh so much and I basically do not know what I will do with myself knowing there will be no more of this:

Or this:

Goodnight, sweet princes. Bret, I will miss your animal shirts and Jermaine, I will miss your glasses and hilarious face. I hope to visit you someday in the place that I have never heard of and am pretty sure doesn’t exist called “New Zealand”.